Star wars the old republic pc how to respec talents
Star wars the old republic pc how to respec talents

star wars the old republic pc how to respec talents

Some players will want an easier solution.įortunately, such a solution does exist in the form of a mod. The console works well enough, and is interesting because once you’re familiar with it you can also use many other console commands to change the game on the fly (with sometimes hilarious consequences). There are too many available to list here, but they are listed at the Dragon Age Wiki. Once it is open you’re free to modify your character using the console commands runscript addtalent and runscript removetalent and along with the appropriate console command code. However, enabling the console will disable the command functions of keys - this is how you’ll know that the console is open. The console is not (and never will be) visible. Pressing the ~ key should now open the console.

star wars the old republic pc how to respec talents

Find OpenConsole_0 and add the value Keyboard::Button_Tilde. Next you’ll need to edit the KeyBinding.ini file in your Dragon Age/Settings folder. To open it, you’ll need to alter your Dragon Age shortcut by adding the line -enabledeveloperconsole at the end of the shortcut target. Opening up the in-game console in order to respec is a very powerful method of altering a character, but it is also complex. Remember to save your game and make a copy in a separate folder before attempting any respec! Respec via Console Or is it? There are actually two ways one can choose to respec in Dragon Age, and this guide will examine them. The game doesn’t protest until you find yourself slain by every party of bandits you come across - and by then it is too late. It is easy to accidentally make your party weak in combat by picking the wrong skills or by putting points into the wrong stats when leveling up. Dragon Age is an incredibly complex game.

Star wars the old republic pc how to respec talents